New Weavers for Gabrovo
New weavers for Gabrovo is a musical experience with a cultural-adventure character, which on September 30, 2023 took the audience through the Non-hazardous Waste Landfill and the former Textile Technical School. The program was produced and selected by Rosina Pencheva for Capturing Creativity, with a musical concept by Vasil Hajigrudev. Here you can browse through the rich digital archive of the event in the form of texts, photos, video and media coverage.

Video Weavers
The micro-festival New Weavers for Gabrovo in four videos

The Root – the Natural Thread
A report on the New Weavers microfest that was… well, pretty awesome

Meet the Artists
The New Craftsmen

The Program
New Weavers for Gabrovo: Culture-rich Sample Event

Meet the Crew
Cultural fabric is warmest when it’s made of natural materials

A Past that Will Never Unravel
Memories from the Textile School

It's Time for New Weavers
Culture-rich Sample Event